

Typeset Mama / Blog


Need an acorn?  Start with a plastic Easter Egg!  Add jute and sticks and there you go!  I kept mine more primitive but you could add lace, buttons, anything you like.  Vary the size, vary the thickness of jute or use yarn or even strips of fabric. They added just the right touch to my fall mantle and they will also look fantastic tucked in greenery for Christmas as well. ...

A Tish of Fall Pt 2

I’m back with 5 more easy fall decorating tips using what you find, have and repurpose!  It’s just a ‘tish of fall! Check out the video below, comment on what inspired you and send those pictures of your creations!  DO YOU! Need to get caught up?  Check out Typeset Mama for the 1st Tish of Fall video. ...

Best Toy Ever

I had this toy as a child, the Fisher Price School Desk.  I played with it for hours.  Even as a teenager I had it on display in my room, writing out messages with the letters.  What happened to mine, I don’t know, but over the years I would see it at garage sales, but it was always missing pieces.  Then last Saturday in my quest to find the next best treasure, there it was, complete, with all the letters, cards and the tray, sitting on a...

Be Still

Here's your quote for the week. I don't know about you, but I can get anxious and lose my peace in a minute! So what's a gal to do?  Pray!  This quote is short, but mighty. It comes from Psalm 46:10.   Praying that you have peace in the stillness...

A Tish of Fall

Sometimes in decorating you just want or need a little something to complete or create the look, especially for the seasons.  And because it’s seasonal, I know I don’t want to spend a lot of money. I am all about simplicity and using what I have or can pick up on the cheap!  In this video I show you five easy ways to incorporate a ‘tish of fall into your home using what you have, find, repurpose.  Enjoy! And make sure you comment on what inspired you,...

Double Dip Buffet

I decorated my dining buffet for fall, and I can’t’ decide which one I like best. This one is a little more formal.  I used a wreath and filled in with candles, pinecones, extra pumpkins, birds and of course the big branch in the back.  It all sits on a silver tray and a dainty lacey scarf. This look I went a little more organic and simplistic.  I used dried leaves, deer antlers and muted colored pumpkins on burlap. ...

Thinking Outside the 5×7

My family loved taking pictures and I am so grateful they did!  I could look at them for hours!    Through the images, faces have been given names and the stories that I’ve heard over and over came to life! Looking at their faces, I imagine what they were like, how their voice sounded, what hopes and dreams they may have had and if we shared any common quirks or talents. It’s always been important for me to know where and from whom I come from.  It has given...

End of the Season

I love the thrill of the hunt, talking with the sellers, hearing stories on some of the things that I’m buying, negotiating price, going all day, and spending very little.  But the best part is my sidekick.  My husband Ross, who is not a junker, goes with every time! We fill our travel mugs with coffee, he navigates and looks up addresses he patiently makes a U-turn when I yell there’s one to the left!  He’s a champ.  He knows how much I love it, how directionally...

My Tv Debut

I made my TV debut! I was honored and blessed to do a segment on Studio 701!  I was SUPER nervous so my darling Ross pretended to be the host so I could rehearse at the kitchen counter the night before! Hosts Amber and Jeff made me feel right at home and the five- minute segment felt like one!  It was a lot of fun!  Check out the video and tell me what you think! Here's the link ...

Pumpkin Style

I love these fabric pumpkins!  You can use any fabric.  Save those old shirts, denim, burlap, even an old lace tablecloth!    Tie them up with jute, yarn, even more fabric.  The fun part comes in decorating – flowers, lace, leaves, buttons.  The choices are endless!  And while you can't make pie with them, they also won’t rot!  Have fun and DO YOU! ...