
Just Saying

Typeset Mama / Just Saying
Thoughts / Quotes / Inspiration

Best Toy Ever

I had this toy as a child, the Fisher Price School Desk.  I played with it for hours.  Even as a teenager I had it on...

Be Still

Here's your quote for the week. I don't know about you, but I can get anxious and lose my peace in a minute! So what's a gal...

A Tish of Fall

Sometimes in decorating you just want or need a little something to complete or create the look, especially for the seasons.  And because it’s seasonal, I...

End of the Season

I love the thrill of the hunt, talking with the sellers, hearing stories on some of the things that I’m buying, negotiating price, going all day,...

My Tv Debut

I made my TV debut! I was honored and blessed to do a segment on Studio 701!  I was SUPER nervous so my darling Ross pretended...

Pumpkin Style

I love these fabric pumpkins!  You can use any fabric.  Save those old shirts, denim, burlap, even an old lace tablecloth!    Tie them up with jute,...