
My Story


Hi! Welcome to my life and Typeset Mama! I am a lifelong junker with a passion for crafting, reading, collecting, art and writing; oh, and coffee!

Why Typeset Mama?  The Mama part is easy.  It’s what my children, Whitney, Olivia, and Jamison call me.  They have three fourths of my heart, the other fourth belongs to my husband, Ross.

The term typeset refers to arranging the type of font. Fonts create the style, set the mood and atmosphere. It tells the story.

I want to inspire you to tell your story.  We all have one, we just need to be willing to listen and the courage to act on it!

What and who you bring in your life creates your story.  I’ve always been drawn to the story.  I am very sentimental and believe all things and people have a story to tell if you are willing to listen.  I want to inspire you to listen, to set the fonts that create the perfect life story for you!

The world needs you – be creative, take a chance.  Set your fonts and tell your story in all you do! DO YOU!